A,B) Representative examples of single-trial, single-voxel responses to a single current-evoked AP in an organotypic hippocampal slice culture using ASAP1 (panel A) or ASAP2f (panel B). (
C) Single-voxel peak amplitude of ASAP1 and ASAP2f responses compared with the noise level (black bar). n = 15 (ASAP1) and 10 (ASAP2f) neurons. Black bars correspond to mean noise level over all cells. (
D) Single-voxel noise as a function of the number of trials averaged. Symbols indicate the mean and error bars show the SEM. n = 15 (ASAP1) and 10 (ASAP2f) neurons. (
E) Single-trial noise as a function of the number of voxels averaged. Symbols indicate the mean and error bars show the SEM. n = 15 (ASAP1) and 10 (ASAP2f) neurons. The ASAP1 data is also shown in
Figure 8.