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. 2017 Sep 5;7:10418. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-10741-z

Table 1.

Analysis of expression and ATPase activity with PS and PE.

Mutanta Expressionb ATPase activity stimulated by PSc ATPase activity stimulated by PEc
% of WT n Vmax with PS, µmol/min/mg n K0.5 for PS, µM n Vmax with PE, µmol/min/mg n K0.5 for PE, µM n
WT 100 ± 12 14 97 ± 4 31 34 ± 1 342 50 ± 3 26 386 ± 16 264
I91P (L127P) 12 ± 2*** 4 18 ± 2 (5.4x↓)*** 6 96 ± 6 (2.8x↑)*** 60 3 ± 0.4 (17x↓)*** 2 1245 ± 522 (3.2x↑)*** 20
I91A 29 ± 3** 3 88 ± 15 (1.1x↓) 7 65 ± 4 (1.9x↑)*** 70 46 ± 9 (1.1x↓) 4 516 ± 48 (1.3x↑) 40
L308F (I344F) 104 ± 34 2 85 ± 1 (1.1x↓) 4 151 ± 10 (4.4x↑)*** 40 28 ± 2 (1.8x↓)** 4 923 ± 65 (2.4x↑)*** 40
L308A 88 ± 18 2 96 ± 5 (1.0x) 5 38 ± 2 (1.1x↑) 50 35 ± 4 (1.4x↓) 4 430 ± 18 (1.1x↑) 39
E897K (E981K) 29 ± 7* 2 19 ± 4 (5.1x↓)*** 8 11 ± 1 (3.1x↓)*** 78 9 ± 3 (5.6x↓)*** 5 422 ± 48 (1.1x↑) 50
E897A 54 ± 18 3 41 ± 8 (2.4x↓)*** 8 17 ± 1 (2.0x↓)*** 79 33 ± 8 (1.5x↓)** 10 349 ± 30 (1.1x↓) 104
E897D 98 ± 5 2 92 ± 3 (1.1x↓) 4 43 ± 3 (1.3x↑) 40 50 ± 7 (1.0x) 4 495 ± 31 (1.3x↑) 39
E897Q 78 ± 10 3 60 ± 3 (1.6x↓)* 5 17 ± 1 (2.0x↓)*** 50 38 ± 13 (1.3x↓) 5 255 ± 15 (1.5x↓) 50
E897F 45 ± 7 2 31 ± 4 (3.1x↓)*** 4 7 ± 1 (4.9x↓)*** 39 71 ± 12 (1.4x↑)* 4 476 ± 28 (1.2x↑) 39
E897R 29 ± 1* 2 10 ± 1 (9.7x↓)*** 4 13 ± 1 (2.6x↓)*** 40 3 ± 0.1 (17x↓)*** 5 1205 ± 59 (3.1x↑)*** 50
R898A 66 ± 8 5 76 ± 12 (1.3x↓) 8 53 ± 3 (1.6x↑)*** 80 27 ± 3 (1.9x↓)*** 9 353 ± 30 (1.1x↓) 90
R898D 89 ± 12 3 83 ± 11 (1.2x↓) 5 126 ± 4 (3.7x↑)*** 60 9 ± 0.3 (5.6x↓)*** 4 1069 ± 140 (2.8x↑)*** 39
R898E 82 ± 13 2 59 ± 13 (1.6x↓)** 6 97 ± 5 (2.9x↑)*** 70 12 ± 4 (4.2x↓)*** 5 719 ± 93 (1.9x↑)*** 50
R898K 79 ± 5 2 105 ± 22 (1.1x↑) 4 30 ± 1 (1.1x↓) 50 43 ± 7 (1.2x↓) 4 591 ± 49 (1.5x↑) 50
E897R_R898E 56 ± 1 2 35 ± 2 (2.8x↓)*** 4 52 ± 3 (1.5x↑)*** 40 11 ± 5 (4.5x↓)*** 4 888 ± 37 (2.3x↑)*** 40
D99A 85 ± 2 2 85 ± 14 (1.1x↓) 6 40 ± 1 (1.2x↑) 40 17 ± 4 (2.9x↓)*** 4 541 ± 29 (1.4x↑) 40
R105A 62 ± 9 2 48 ± 6 (2.0x↓)** 4 45 ± 3 (1.3x↑)** 79 25 ± 2 (2.0x↓)* 3 487 ± 47 (1.3x↑) 27

Data deviating significantly from WT according to the one-way ANOVA test (see further in Methods) are marked with *(0.05 > P > 0.01), **(0.001 < P < 0.01), and ***(P < 0.001). aWild type (WT) and mutant bATP8A2 proteins. Homologous disease mutations in human ATP8B1 are indicated in parentheses. bAverage of expression levels calculated relative to the wild type of the same transfection experiment, n indicating the number of transfection experiments. cVmax refers to the ATPase activity at the highest lipid concentration examined (1000 µM PS or 2000 µM PE), K0.5 (substrate concentration giving half maximum activation) was obtained by nonlinear regression curve fitting (see Figs 3 and 4), n indicating the number of data points in the regression. In parentheses is shown fold change relative to wild type (arrow pointing upward/downward for increase/decrease).