Figure 3.
Relative fold expression of the genes encoding Na+ and K+ transporter proteins (a) OsHKT1;5, (b) OsHKT2;1, (c) OsLti6a, (d) OsLti6b, (e) OsSOS1, (f) OsCNGC1, (g) OsAKT1 (h) OsAKT7 (i) OsNHX1 in the roots of two rice cultivars (ZJ 88 and XS 134) grown under herbicide and saline stress conditions. Average ± standard error from three separate replicates. 20-days-old rice seedlings were treated as control (CK) with EC 1.2 dS m−1, T2 (recommended dose of 2,4-D), T3 (EC 4 dS m−1), T4 (EC 8 dS m−1), T5 (EC 4 dS m−1 + recommended dose of 2,4-D), T6 (EC 8 dS m−1 + recommended dose of 2,4-D) for 15 days. Afterwards, samples were collected for expression analysis.