Table 1.
Demographic & clinical characteristics of participants (N = 200)
Characteristics | Categories | N(%) or Mean ± SD |
Gender | Male | 90(45.0) |
Age(year) | 38.7 ± 12.9 | |
Education level | High school ≥ College |
94(53.0) 106(47.0) |
Occupation | Yes | 138(69.2) |
Marital status | Single Married Divorced/Widowed |
78(39.1) 100(50.0) 22(10.9) |
Monthly expenditure (10,000 won) |
Low (<150) Middle (150–415) High (≥416) |
42(21.3) 98(49.0) 57(28.7) |
Primary CHD* diagnosis |
Acyanotic CHD
ASD VSD Valvular disease (AR, MR) PDA Ebstein’s anomaly L-TGA complete AVSD |
73(36.5) 27(13.5) 15(7.5) 9(4.5) 6(3.0) 4(2.0) 3(1.5) |
Cyanotic CHD
TOF Eisenmenger syndrome PA with VSD DORV D-TGA PA |
23(11.5) 16(8.0) 12(6.0) 6(3.0) 3(1.5) 2(1.0) |
NYHA functional class | Class I Class II Class III Class IV |
91(45.5) 91(45.5) 18(9.0) 0(0.0) |
Number of cardiac operation | 0 1 2 3 4 |
31(15.6) 76(38.0) 49(24.3) 28(14.0) 16(8.1) |
Percutaneous SaO2† | <85 85 ~ 90 91 ~ 95 ≤96 |
11(5.3) 12(6.0) 23(11.5) 154(77.2) |
The values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation; and qualitative variables, as percentages of the total
Abbreviations: CHD Congenital Heart Disease, ASD Atrial septal defect, VSD Ventricular septal defect, AR Aortic regurgitation, MR Mitral valve regurgitation, PDA Patent Ductus Arteriosus, L-TGA Levo-looped transposition of the great arteries, AVSD Arioventricular septal defect, TOF Tetralogy of Fallot, PA Pulmonary atresia, DORV Double outlet right ventricle, D-TGA Dextro-transposition of the great arteries, NYHA New York Heart Association, SaO 2 arterial oxygen saturation