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. 2017 Jul 21;6(7):e004305. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.116.004305

Table 2.

Comparison of Components of the CHS Stroke Risk Score Between Participants With Valid 1994–1995 Holter Recordings With and Without an Incident Stroke on Follow‐Up

No Stroke (N=816) Incident Stroke (N=68) P Value
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 133±20 139±20 0.013
15‐foot walk time, s 5.4±2.1 5.8±1.9 NS
Left ventricular hypertrophy by ECG (Y/N) 41 (5.0%) 4 (5.9%) NS
Creatinine, mg/dLa 1.04±0.28 1.05±0.27 NS
ADA diabetic statusa 0.084
Normal, % (<110 mg/dL) 593 (72.7%) 43 (63.2%)
IFG, % (110–126 mg/dL) 90 (11.0%) 9 (13.2%)
Diabetes mellitus, % (>126 mg/dL or taking meds) 133 (16.3%) 16 (23.5%)
Age at year 7, y 75.2±4.5 76.5±5.4 0.058
Sex, % NS
Female 499 (61.2%) 47 (69.1%)
Male 317 (38.8%) 21 (30.9%)
Atrial fibrillation by ECG, % 0 0 NS
History of heart disease at 1994–1995 visit (y 7) (Y/N) 159 (19.5%) 16 (23.5%) NS
CHS stroke risk score 16.1±6.9 19.1±8.2 0.004

ADA, American Diabetes Association; CHS, Cardiovascular Health Study; IFG, Impaired Fasting Glucose; NS, Not Significant.

Clinical factors measured at the 1994–1995 examination.


Lab values measured at the 1992–1993 examination.