Delayed loss of lysosomal acidity in sterile worms. (A) cDCFDA staining of intestinal lysosomes in age-matched wild-type, fem-2, spe-26 (sperm-less mutants) and glp-1 (germ-cell-less) and mated (reproducing) fem-2 mutants. (B) Quantification of cDCFDA signal intensity in age-matched sterile mutants in day 1 (d1), day 6 (d6), and day 8 (d8) of adulthood. Animals that fail to produce germ cells (glp-1 mutants) or to fertilize (fem-2, spe-26 mutants) have a similar cDCFDA signal intensity compared to wild-type worms during the reproductive period (day 1: glp-1
P = 0.1876; fem-2
P = 0.4759, and spe-26
P = 0.0744), but show significantly higher cDCFDA signals past the reproductive age (P < 0.0001). (C) Lifespan analysis of wild-type animals relative to sterile fem-2, spe-26, glp-1, and mated (progeny producing) fem-2 worms. (P < 0.0001, Mantel-Cox test).