A, Kaplan–Meier analysis of patients with noninflammatory cardiomyopathy and inflammatory cardiomyopathy (CMi) for parameters with significant influence on survival by multivariable statistical analysis. Survival rate according to perforin analysis in endomyocardial biopsies of patients with CMi (group IA, IB, and IC) compared with patients with non‐CMi (group II). Perforin at the optimal cutoff point of 2.9 cells/mm² was associated with increased mortality or need for heart transplantation. Non‐CMi vs CMi without perforin, P=0.8 (not significant [ns]); CMi with perforin <2.9 cells/mm2 vs CMi without perforin, P=0.7 (ns); CMi with perforin <2.9 cells/mm2 vs CMi with perforin >2.0 cells/mm2, P=0.01. B, Survival rate among patients with non‐CMi and patients with CMi and high perforin (group IA) according to baseline left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) >35% vs LVEF ≤35%. Perforin and LVEF are significant predictors in this patient group as indicated by multivariable analysis (Table 3). Non‐CMi, LVEF >35% vs CMi perforin+, LVEF >35%, P=0.004; non‐CMi, LVEF ≤35% vs CMI perforin+, LVEF ≤35%, P=0.02.