Disruption of the cardiomyocyte circadian clock alters insulin-mediated signaling (A, C, D, E) and glucose utilization (B). Effects of challenging CBK and CON hearts with insulin (0, 10, or 100μU/mL; 30 minutes) ex vivo at ZT12 on Akt phosphorylation (A; 5 independent observations), glucose utilization (B; 5 independent observations), as well as on AS160 and GSK3β phosphorylation (C; 5 independent observations). CBK and littermate CON hearts were collected at distinct times of day, followed by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis for AS160 (D; 3–7 independent observations), GSK3β (D; 3–7 independent observations), and I-1 (E; 3–7 independent observations). Data are represented as fold change from CON hearts challenged with saline (A, C), as absolute rates (B), or as fold change from the trough of CON hearts (D, E). Data for ZT0 is duplicated as ZT24 for visualization purposes only (A). All data are shown as mean ± SEM. *, p<0.05 for CBK versus CON hearts within a ZT (D, E), or CBK versus CON hearts within a ZT plus saline/insulin experimental group (A, B, C).