Fig 3. Summary of STRF gain thresholding results.
(A) Mean ± SEM prediction accuracy at each gain threshold (pgain) minus prediction accuracy obtained with the raw STA (MU: r = 0.176, SU: r = 0.210). (B) Histograms of gain thresholds that yielded the highest prediction accuracy. (C–D) Cumulative distribution functions of prediction accuracy obtained with raw STAs, STRFs corrected with a fixed pgain setting (pgain < 0.01 applied uniformly across units), and STRFs corrected at the best pgain settings (identified on an individual-unit basis through cross-validation). Inset bar plots represent mean +SEM prediction accuracy. For both data types, accuracy for each gain thresholding approach (fixed pgain and best pgain) was significantly higher than the raw STA, but these approaches significantly did not differ from each other (Wilcoxon signed-rank tests). (E) Scatter plots of prediction accuracy for individual units at best pgain versus raw (left) and fixed pgain (right). Note that prediction accuracy may be higher for the fixed pgain setting than best pgain setting. This is because best pgain settings determined by the validation dataset may not maximize prediction accuracy for the test dataset (see Methods for additional details). Red markers indicate the means. (F) Mean ±SEM prediction accuracy as a function of the temporal bin size for the PSTHs and predictions using the same correction approaches and color schemes as in (C–D).