Figure 1.
(Top panel) Probability distribution functions (PDF) of outgoing calls at time t of the day in a city for two sets of consecutive days of 2007: P all when all the outgoing calls are included (Green), P L when only the last outgoing calls in the night are included (Blue), and P F when only the first outgoing calls in the morning are included (Red). From P L and P F, their means, and , and their standard deviations σ L and σ F, respectively, are calculated and used to define the period of low calling activity (PLCA) as the region bounded by and and determine its width T night as the time interval between and . For the day 46 (middle of February, set A), T night ≈ 10.5 hours, whilst for the day 214 (early August, set B), T night ≈ 9.5 hours. (Note that P all is delimited by the nocturnal calling gap g noc (between 4:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.), P L lies between the diurnal calling gap g aft (from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) and g noc, whilst P F is bounded by g noc and g aft). (Bottom panel) Probability distribution of outgoing calls during the day 265 (Sunday, orange line) in a city (of label 2), fitted by a superposition of two normal (Gaussian) distributions (black line), the first centered round noon and the second one in the evening (8 p.m.). The fitting is done with the mean values t M and t N, and the standard deviations σ M and σ N, corresponding to the noon and evening-centered activity modes, respectively (see details in the text). The afternoon break period T break is defined as .