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. 2017 Sep 6;7:10646. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09823-9

Table 3.

Cognitive, mood, and quality of life tests included in the meta-analysis.

Function Domain Domain type Test Included studies
Cognitive Overall cognitive status Over all Mini mental status examination (MMSE) Mini mental status examination (MMSE) Carlson et al., 2007; Sarokte et al., 2013
Intelligence quotient (IQ) Rao et al., 1977
Over all cognitive function Udani, 2013
Attention and concentration Accuracy/Score Digit vigilant test (accuracy) Wattanathorn et al., 2008
Sustained attention Udani, 2013
Broad attention Dev et al., 2009
Over all attention Katz et al., 2010
Time Digit vigilant test (time) Wattanathorn et al., 2008
React time Udani, 2013
Executive function Accuracy/Score Symbol digit modalities Carlson et al., 2007
Executive process Dev et al., 2009
Time Trail Making Test B (TMT-B) Lewis et al., 2014
Cognitive flexibility Udani, 2013
Information processing speed Accuracy/Score Processing speed Dev et al., 2009
Variability Katz et al., 2010
Time Choice reaction time Wattanathorn et al., 2008
Processing speed Udani, 2013
Language Over all Controlled Oral Word Association test Carlson et al., 2007; Lewis et al., 2014
Visuospatial skill Over all Spatial memory (accuracy) Wattanathorn et al., 2008
Judgment of line orientation Carlson et al., 2007
Visual spatial thinking Dev et al., 2009
Working memory Accuracy/Score Numeric working memory (accuracy) Wattanathorn et al., 2008
Working memory Dev et al., 2009
Short term memory picture Sarokte et al., 2013
Time Working memory Udani, 2013
Numeric working memory (time) Wattanathorn et al., 2008
Verbal memory Over all Word recognition (accuracy) Wattanathorn et al., 2008
Serial recall effect test - words Sarokte et al., 2013
List Learning Carlson et al., 2007
Visual memory Over all Picture recognition (accuracy) Wattanathorn et al., 2008
Benton Visual retention Carlson et al., 2007
Delayed recall Dev, 2009
Mood Mood Over all Profile of mood status (POMS) Profile of mood status (POMS) Mood rating Udani, 2013; Harris et al., 2011; Bradwejn et al., 2000
Mood scale Over all Bond-Lader mood scale Visual analog mood scale (VAMS) Wattanathorn et al., 2008; Harris et al., 2011
Quality of life (QoL) Total QoL Over all SF-36 Carlson et al., 2007
General health questionnair Harris et al., 2011
Physical Over all SF-36 (physical function) Mato et al., 2011
Total physical Udani, 2013

The same domain was pooled together for meta-analysis.