Figure 3.
Representative IVCM images of DCs (left panel, a–d) and GICs (middle panel, e–h) in the central cornea and limbal epithelium (right panel, i–l) in GVHD patients (upper raw, a,b,e,f,i,j) and non-GVHD patients (lower raw, c,d,g,h,k,l). In the central cornea, the density of epithelial DCs in GVHD patients (a,b) and in non-GVHD patients (c,d). The density of GICs (blue arrowhead) in the GVHD group (e,f) and in the non-GVHD (g,h). In limbal epithelia, the density of DCs in GVHD patients (i,j) and non-GVHD patients (k,l).