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. 2017 Aug 31;22(35):30607. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.35.30607

Table. Tularaemia surveillance specimens and samples from potential reservoirs and transmission routes, the Netherlands, 2011–2016.

Reservoirs, vectors Collection dates Collection locationsa Number of specimens/ samplesb analysed Number of specimens/samplesb where F. tularensis DNA detected Location on map (Figure)
Small mammals
Hares Jul 2011–Dec 2014c NL 106 3 NA
Jan–Jun 2015 EZ 12 11  
Large stars
FL 15 1
NL 19 2
Jul–Dec 2015 EZ 7 0  
Small stars
FL 6 0
NL 34 0
Common voles Feb–Apr 2015 FL, north of EZ 181 0 Triangles, ma
Apr 2015 FL, west of EZ 38 0 Triangles, mb
Aug 2015 EZ 38 0 Triangles, mc
Mosquito larvae 23, 29 Apr 2015 EZ, FL 124, pooled 0    Large diamonds   
28 Apr; 3, 12 May; 30 Jun 2016 EZ, FL 266 0  
Small diamonds
Mosquito adults 9, 10 Jul; 11, 14 Aug 2015 EZ, FL 371 0
28 Apr; 13, 15, 24, 30 Jun 2016 EZ, FL 296, pooled 0
Tabanids 3, 7, 11, 14 Aug 2015 EZ, FL 758 0
13, 30 Jun 2016 EZ, FL 6 0
Ticks 9, 10 Jul 2015 EZ, FL 220 0
28 Apr; 3 May; 13, 15 Jun 2016 EZ, FL 665, pooled 0
Water 16 Apr 2015 EZ 7 6 Circles, A–D
FL, north of EZ 1 0 Circle, E
29 May 2015 EZ 27 8 Circles, A–T
FL 5 0 Circles, U–X
29 Jul; 10 Aug; 9 Sep 2015 EZ 12 1 Circles, B,D,M,R
Sediment 16 Apr 2015 EZ 7 4 Circles, A­D
FL, north of EZ 1 0 Circle, E
29 May 2015 EZ 18 2 Circles, A–T
FL 3 0 Circles, U–X

EZ: epizootic area within Friesland province; FL: Friesland province, but outside the epizootic area; NL: other parts of the Netherlands; NA: not applicable.

a The epizootic area (EZ) was defined as the geographical area where several dead, tularaemia-confirmed hares were found in 2015, with the outer border being a distance of 5 km from any of these finding sites.

b Numbers for animals refer to specimens, numbers for water and sediment refer to samples.

c Hares collected before the event.