Table 1.
Classification of AMPs into four clusters based on their structure
Sample No. | Type of AMP | Structure | Property | Example | Basic structure | Reference |
1 | Type I: linear α-helical peptides | Highly positively charged Unstructured in aqueous solution, and fold into their α-helical configuration when they bind to the bacterial membrane | 27% of peptides belong to this group Cationic amphipathic helices Capping at the N- and C-terminus stabilizes the helix Kill the microbes by creating channels in the membranes | Alamethicin, cecropin, magainin, LL-37 | $$ | 22 |
2 | Type II:cyclic peptides with β-sheet structure | 1–5 disulfide bonds Stably assembled by either disulfide bonds or cyclization of the peptide backbone | Number of disulfide bonds decide degree of cyclic conformation Exist in β-sheet conformation in aqueous solution Act on intracellular targets Enter cell by lipid flip-flop movement | Tachyplesins, defensins, protegrins, polymyxin | $$ | 23 |
3 | Type III: extended peptide | Linear in shape No secondary structure | Over representation of 1 type of amino acid Rich in proline and/or glycine, tryptophan or histidine Aggregate in the membranes and create a voltage-induced channel, the peptides are translocated into cytoplasm | Histatin histidine),ritrpticin (arginine), diptericins(glycine),indolicidin | $$ | 24 |
4 | Type IV:looped peptide | Looped structure due to the single disulfide, amide or isopeptide bond Antiparallel β-sheet orientation | Short in size, easy to synthesize and proteolytically stable | Lantibiotics | $$ | 23 |