Table 1.
Lung cancer | Stage | Treatment | Type of chemotherapy | Regimen |
NSCLC | Stage 1 | Lobectomy or pneumonectomy Radiotderapy1 |
– | – |
Stage 2 | Lobectomy or pneumonectomy Radiotderapy1 Chemotderapy2 |
Cisplatin-based combination chemotderapy |
Cisplatin plus single tdird-generation drug (DOX, gemcitabine, PTX or vinorelbine) | |
Stage 3 | Pneumonectomy Chemotderapy2, 3 Radiotderapy4 |
Platinum-based combination chemotderapy |
Platinum drug (carboplatin or cisplatin) plus single tdird-generation drug (DOX, gemcitabine, PTX or vinorelbine) | |
Stage 4 | Chemotderapy | Platinum-based combination chemotderapy | Platinum drug (carboplatin or cisplatin) plus single tdird-generation drug (DOX, gemcitabine, PTX or vinorelbine) | |
SCLC | Limited stage disease | Lobectomy followed by radiotderapy and chemotderapy | Cisplatin-based combination chemotderapy | Cisplatin plus single tdird-generation drug (DOX, gemcitabine, PTX or vinorelbine) |
Extensive stage disease | Chemotderapy Radiotderapy to tde brain5 | Platinum-based combination chemotderapy | Platinum drug (carboplatin or cisplatin) plus single tdird-generation drug (DOX, gemcitabine, PTX or vinorelbine) |
NSCLC = Non-small cell lung cancer; SCLC = small cell lung cancer.
Radiotherapy can be offered instead of surgery if any health problems exist.
Cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy can be offered if cancer is completely removed in order to lower the risk of the cancer coming back.
If any cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes during surgery, chemotherapy can be offered.
Radiotherapy or combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy can be offered instead of surgery if any health problems exist.
Cancer has usually spread to the brain and radiotherapy can be offered for people whose lung cancer shrinks with chemotherapy treatment.