Model-selection table for the analyses without cumulative college GPA identifying the preferred modela
Initial model and terms dropped | Analyses without cumulative college GPA | ||||
Outcome: total exam points earned | df | Deviance | Residual df | Residual deviance | AIC |
Initial model: URM status + treatment + section + gender + (URM status × section) + (treatment × section) + (URM status × treatment) + (gender × treatment) + (URM status × gender) + (section × treatment × URM status) + (gender × treatment × URM status) | 1192 | 1,623,611 | 8832.1 | ||
− (Section × treatment × URM status) | 5 | 10,616.7 | 1197 | 1,634,228 | 8830.1 |
− (Treatment × section) | 5 | 1469.8 | 1202 | 1,635,698 | 8821.2 |
− (URM status × section) | 5 | 5558.5 | 1207 | 1,641,256 | 8815.3 |
− (Treatment × URM status × gender) | 1 | 751.4 | 1208 | 1,642,008 | 8813.9 |
− (URM status × gender) | 1 | 1389.2 | 1209 | 1,643,397 | 8813.0 |
− (Treatment × gender) | 1 | 2386.7 | 1210 | 1,645,784 | 8812.7 |
Preferred model: URM status + treatment + section + gender + (URM status × treatment) |
aFor each comparison, the term subtracted from the model is listed in the first column. As this is a cumulative table, any terms above the current row were already been removed from the model before the current row was tested. Terms were removed if the AIC of the reduced model was 2 or less than the AIC value of the fuller model or if the models had equivalent AIC values (∆AIC < 2). If removing the term increased the AIC by more than 2, the term was retained in the model.