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. 2017 Apr 24;8(33):54537–54547. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.17384

Table 5. Distribution of clinical features of patients used in circulating DNA analyses.

Characteristics Recurrent Patients Non-Recurrent Patients
n=37 (%) n=175 (%)
Age Mean 55.5 56.8
Median 55 55
Range 32-80 28-81
Menopausal status Pre 12 (32.4%) 58 (33.1%)
Peri 1 (2.7%) 10 (5.7%)
Post 24 (64.8%) 105 (60%)
NA 0 (0.0%) 2 (1.1%)
Histology IDC 30 (81.1%) 151 (86.3%)
ILC 4 (10.8%) 18 (10.3%)
DCIS 1 (2.7%) 5 (2.9%)
NA 2 (5.4%) 1 (2.7%)
Grading 1 1 (2.7%) 21 (14.3%)
2 18 (48.6%) 111 (60.9%)
3 17 (45.9%) 34 (18.0%)
NA 1 (2.7%) 9 (6.8%)
Focality Uni 29 (78.4%) 135 (75.2%)
Multi 7 (18.9%) 39 (24.1%)
NA 1 (2.7%) 1 (0.8%)
Tumor Size Tis 2 (5.4%) 5 (2.8%)
T0 2 (5.4%) 15 (8.6%)
T1 11 (29.7%) 76 (43.4%)
T2 14 (37.8%) 67 (38.3%)
T3 4 (10.8%) 9 (5.1%)
T4 4 (10.8%) 2 (5.4%)
Lymph node N0 21 (56.8%) 121 (69.1%)
N1 10 (27.0%) 33 (18.9%)
N2 1 (2.7%) 12 (6.9%)
N3 5 (13.5%) 9 (5.1%)
ER status Positive 25 (67.6%) 150 (87.2%)
Negative 12 (32.4%) 23 (11.3%)
NA 0 (0.0%) 2 (1.5%)
PR Status Positive 25 (67.6%) 137 (82.0%)
Negative 12 (32.4%) 36 (16.5%)
NA 0 (0.0%) 2 (1.5%)
HER2 Status Positive 4 (10.8%) 23 (3.8%)
Negative 32 (86.5%) 146 (91.7%)
NA 1 (2.7%) 6 (4.5%)
p53 Score 0-1 15 (40.5%) 54 (30.9%)
2-10 10 (27.0%) 54 (30.9%)
> 10 6 (16.2%) 34 (19.4%)
NA 6 (16.2%) 33 (18.9%)
Ki67 Score 1-10 6 (16.2%) 79 (45.1%)
11-20 8 (21.6%) 33 (18.9%)
21-50 11 (30.4%) 33 (18.9%)
> 50 10 (29.7%) 22 (12.6%)
NA 2 (5.4%) 8 (4.6%)
Chemo_therapy Yes 28 (75.7%) 104 (57.9%)
No 9 (24.3%) 71 (42.1%)
Radio_therapy Yes 30 (81.1%) 149 (86.5%)
No 7 (18.9%) 26 (13.5%)
Endocrine_therapy Yes 24 (64.9%) 117 (63.2%)
No 13 (35.1%) 58 (36.8%)
Surgical Type BCT 25 (67.6%) 132 (78.9%)
Mastectomy 10 (32.4%) 42 (21.1%)
NA 2 (32.4%) 1 (21.1%)
Distant Recurrence No. 27 lung 8
liver 13
bone 20
other 15
Local-regional Recurrence No. 10 local 7
regional 3

Abbreviations: ER - oestrogen receptor, PR - progesterone receptor, HER2 - human epidermal growth factor 2, T - tumor size, N - lymph node status, BCT - breast conserving therapy.