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. 2017 Jan 26;8(33):55525–55533. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.14821

Table 1. Distribution of demographic characteristics between discovery and validation groups.

Variables Discovery group(n= 446) Validation group(n= 446) Pb
Sex 0.158
 Female 163(36.55) 143(32.06)
 Male 283(63.45) 303(67.94)
Age (years) 0.177
 <60 242(54.26) 262(58.74)
 ≥60 204(45.74) 184(41.26)
BMI a (kg/m2) 0.385
 18.5-23.9 280(62.78) 264(59.19)
 <18.5 71(15.92) 86(19.28)
 ≥24 95(21.30) 96(21.53)
Occupation 0.625
 Farmer 174(39.02) 184(41.26)
 Worker 96(21.52) 100(22.42)
 Staff and others 176(39.46) 162(36.32)
Residence 0.310
 Urban 249(55.83) 264(59.19)
 Rural 197(44.17) 182(40.81)
Education level 0.579
 Primary and below 57(12.78) 47(10.54)
 Middle school 325(72.87) 334(74.89)
 College and above 64(14.35) 65(14.57)
Family history of cancer 0.784
 No 376(84.30) 373(83.63)
 Yes 70(15.70) 73(16.37)

a Body mass index (weight in kg/[height in m]2), BMI groups according to the classification criteria for Chinese adults; b Chi-square test