Figure 6.
Contour maps – hippocampal gene expression. By accounting for the different levels of dosing for AE and NMES, contour maps were generated to expose interactions between variables in the experimental space. It was evident here that BDNF expression in the hippocampus was highest for the high AE and low NMES conditions. As there was no significant improvement in MCT performance from NMES, this produced a rather flat banding of expression levels. The highest BDNF levels were evident between no change to a 25% performance decrease. For AE, the highest levels were achieved by a high dose that resulted in the highest level of performance increase. VEGF-A revealed the highest increase in the NMES group with a low to a medium dosing leading to peak gene expression. This was associated with improvements in MCT. AE yielded a dose-dependent increase in IGF-1 signaling that was linked to improved performance with a diagonal pattern across the experimental space. A similar effect was evident for Klotho with lower levels being associated with poorer performance and higher levels indicating better performance. A medium dosing of AE is sufficient to achieve peak performance and high levels of Klotho. It was also highly upregulated in the NMES condition with only very high decreases in performance showing a low level of Klotho.