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. 2017 Sep 7;21:239. doi: 10.1186/s13054-017-1826-7

Table 1.

Background characteristics of participating family members and patients

Total sample Denmark The Netherlands p a
Valid n b Statisticc Valid n b Statisticc Valid n b Statisticc
Family member
 Age, median years (IQRd) 1055 57 (22) 553 54 (22) 502 60 (20) <0.001
 Female 1056 724 (69) 554 399 (72) 502 325 (65) 0.01
 Relationship to patient, n (%) 1061 559 502 <0.001
 Spouse or partner 499 (47) 209 (37) 290 (58)
 Child 372 (35) 235 (42) 137 (27)
 Sibling 64 ( 6) 32 ( 6) 32 ( 6)
 Parent 60 ( 6) 37 ( 7) 23 ( 5)
 Other 66 ( 6) 46 ( 8) 20 ( 4)
 Age, median years (IQR) 894 69 (16) 408 70 (15) 486 68(17) 0.33
 Female, n (%) 894 340 (38) 408 144 (35) 486 196 (40) 0.12
 Days in ICU, median days (IQR) 893 8 (10) 406 9 (11) 487 7 (10) 0.16
 Level of therapy, n (%) 856 408 448 <0.001
 Full 630 (74) 315 (77) 315 (70)
 Life-sustaining therapy withheld 123 (14) 38 (9) 85 (19)
 Life-sustaining therapy withdrawn 103 (12) 55 (13) 48 (11)
 Discharge, n (%) 895 408 487 <0.001
 Planned 658 (74) 266 (65) 392 (81)
 Dead 178 (20) 88 (22) 90 (18)
 Othere 59 ( 7) 54 (13) 5 ( 1)
 Reason for admission, n (%) 894 407 487 <0.001
 Respiratory 311 (35) 142 (35) 169 (35)
 Sepsis 152 (17) 52 (13) 100 (21)
 Cardiovascular 274 (31) 119 (29) 155 (32)
 Other 157 (18) 94 (23) 63 (13)
 Mechanical ventilation, n (%) 894 783 (88) 408 346 (85) 486 437 (90) 0.02
 APACHE II, median score (IQR) 509 21 (10) 59 24 (12) 450 21 (10) 0.01
 SAPS II, median score (IQR) 638 50 (24) 277 51 (22) 361 48 (26) 0.09

APACHE II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II, SAPS II Simplified Acute Physiology Score II

aThe Mann-Whitney U test or χ2/Fisher exact test as appropriate

bDifferent numbers due to missing data

cExcept where noted, the statistics provided are number (percentage)

dInterquartile range (percentile75–25)

eIncludes patients who were transferred to other hospitals or who were discharged because of a lack of available beds in the ICU