Table 3.
Results of a Fixed Effect OLS Model to Predict Uncompensated Care Ratio
Coefficient | |
FQHC-Level Factors | |
Board Composition (Lagged One Year) | |
% Representative Consumers | 0.00228 (0.00346) |
% Non-Representative Consumers | −0.00358 (0.00360) |
Board Size | −0.00324 (0.0100) |
Physician on Board | 0.0394 (0.0483) |
# Represent. Consumers on Exec Cmte | −0.172 (0.124) |
# Non-Represent. Consumers on Exec Cmte | −0.0177 (0.0811) |
(% Represent. Consumers) × (# Represent. Consumers on Exec Cmte) |
0.00167 (0.00166) |
(% Represent. Consumers) × (# Non-Represent. Consumers on Exec Cmte) |
−0.000995 (0.00146) |
(% Non-Represent. Consumers) × (# Represent. Consumers on Exec Cmte) |
0.00234 (0.00173) |
(% Non-Represent. Consumers) × (# Non-Represent. Consumers on Exec Cmte) |
0.00151 (0.00125) |
FQHC Staffing | |
Total FTEs | −0.00180 (0.00139) |
Physicians as % of Staff | 0.00149 (0.0109) |
Funding Source | |
Migrant Grantee | −0.135 (0.101) |
Homeless Grantee | −0.0599 (0.0790) |
Public Housing Grantee | −0.744** (0.245) |
#Delivery Sites | −0.0117 (0.00769) |
#Annual Patient Encounters | 7.71e-06** (2.47e-06) |
Metro Area | 0.153 (0.292) |
Patients by Age (19 – 64 Omitted) | |
% Age < 5 | −0.00434 (0.00766) |
% Age 5 – 18 | 0.00518 (0.00595) |
% Age ≥ 65 | −0.0241* (0.0117) |
Patients by Other Characteristics | |
% Male | −0.00875 (0.00902) |
% Non-White | −0.000521 (0.00197) |
% with Chronic Illness | −0.00163 (0.00135) |
Patients by Poverty Status (% Unknown Omitted) | |
% with Income ≤ 100% FPL | 0.000547 (0.00108) |
% with Income 101 – 150% FPL | 0.000503 (0.00235) |
% with Income 151 – 200% FPL | −0.00280 (0.00253) |
% with Income ≥ 201% FPL | 0.000180 (0.00141) |
Patients by Insurance Status (% Private Omitted) | |
% Uninsured | 0.0125*** (0.00357) |
% Medicaid | 0.000736 (0.00359) |
% Medicare | 0.00561 (0.00876) |
% Other Public Insurance | −0.0143 (0.00910) |
County-Level Factors | |
Health Care Supply | |
# Hospitals | −0.00243 (0.0360) |
Physicians per capita | 0.0223 (0.0860) |
# FQHCs | −0.0129 (0.0112) |
Population Characteristics | |
% Male | 0.00402 (0.0330) |
% Non-White | 0.0188 (0.0150) |
% Hispanic | 0.0267 (0.0269) |
Per Capita Income | −6.33e-06 (5.28e-06) |
% Uninsured | −0.0523 (0.0610) |
% Unemployed | 0.00719 (0.0180) |
Time Trends (Year 2004 Omitted) | |
Year 2005 | −0.00178 (0.0395) |
Year 2006 | 0.0528 (0.0317) |
Year 2007 | 0.0997* (0.0395) |
Constant | 0.996 (1.855) |
| |
Fixed-Effects | 819 |
R2 | 0.074 |
Observations | 2230 |
Robust standard errors in parentheses