Fig 6. Future predicted changes in distributions of Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae; a) and mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus; b) projected to 2070 and based on ensemble forecasts (estimated through Maxent) at 90% agreement.
Major rivers of North America (blue lines) are included for geographic reference. Full descriptions for possible distribution conditions are given in Table 2. In short, distribution conditions represent: condition 1 (distribution expansion from current to 2050 and remaining suitable from 2050 to 2070), condition 2 (suitable at current and through all time periods), condition 3 (unsuitable from current to 2050 but expanding from 2050 to 2070), condition 4 (distribution contraction from current to 2050 but expanding from 2050 to 2070), condition 5 (distribution expansion from current to 2050 but contracting from 2050 to 2070), condition 6 (suitable from current to 2050 but contracting from 2050 to 2070), condition 7 (unsuitable at current and through all time periods), and condition 8 (distribution contraction from current to 2050 and remaining unsuitable from 2050 to 2070).