Fig 1. Isolation and characterization of Aag-/- cerebellar granule neurons.
(A) Neurons were isolated from mouse cerebella at post-natal day 5–8. Representative immunocytochemical image depicts neurons (Map2, green) and astrocytes (GFAP, red). Nuclei are shown in blue. (B) Map2+ neurons were quantified from images from 10 pups isolated on different days. Error bars represent standard deviation from the mean. (C) Aag transcripts were counted per cell and are plotted by genotype, where each data point represents one cell. Errors bars denote standard deviation from the mean, n ≥ 50 cells, *** p<0.001 using Student’s standard two-tailed T-test. (D) Cartoon representation of the host-cell reactivation method to measure Aag glycosylase activity in cells. (E) Glycosylase activity over time by cellular fluorescent output from host cell reactivation assay. Solid lines denote mean while dashed lines indicate standard deviation from the mean. (F) WT, Aag-/- and mAagTg neurons have significantly different Aag glycosylase activity at 24 hours post-transfection. Errors bars denote standard deviation from the mean. WT n = 3, mAagTg n = 2, Aag-/- n = 2. ** p<0.01 using Student’s standard two-tailed T-test). (G) Fold changes between WT, Aag-/- and mAagTg Aag expression and glycosylase activity.