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. 2017 Mar 2;75(5):1133–1170. doi: 10.1007/s00285-017-1111-z
Symbol Dimension Description
α Fraction of the asymptotic conductance reached by root length l
αlat L3P-1T-1 Fraction of the asymptotic conductance reached with nlat
χ Eq. (22)
χlat L3P-1T-1 Eq. (25)
dinter L Inter-branching distance
Hcollar P Collar water potential
Hs,eq P Equivalent soil water potential
Hsoil P Soil water potential
Hsr P Soil–root water potential
Hx P Xylem water potential
i Root zone number
Jr L3T-1 Radial volumetric flow rate
Jx L3T-1 Axial volumetric flow rate
κ L3P-1T-1 Asymptotic root conductance
κ+ L3P-1T-1 Eq. (21)
κ- L3P-1T-1 Eq. (21)
κ+,lat L3P-1T-1 Eq. (23)
κ-,lat L3P-1T-1 Eq. (23)
Kcomp L3P-1T-1 Compensatory water uptake conductance
Krs L3P-1T-1 Global conductance of the root system
Krs,nlat L3P-1T-1 Root system conductance after addition of nlat laterals
kr LP-1T-1 Root radial conductivity
kx L4P-1T-1 Root axial conductivity
Kr L3P-1T-1 Segment radial conductance
Kx L3P-1T-1 Segment axial conductance
l L Root length for a specific for a faction α of the asymptotic conductance
lroot L Root length
lseg L Segment length
Ninter Number of root segments between two successive branches
n Root segment number
nlat Number of laterals
qr LT-1 Root radial flux
r L Root radius
SUD L-1 Standard uptake density
SUF Standard uptake fraction
τ T-1 Root intrinsic property
Tact L3T-1 Actual transpiration of the root system
z L Distance to root tip