-p |
Pattern file containing query DR sequences in FASTA or FASTQ format |
-i |
Input metagenome in FASTA or FASTQ format |
-o |
Output directory for detected reads and spacers |
-d |
Allowed edit distance (insertions, deletions, or substitutions) for initial read detection with the Wu-Manber algorithm and subsequent DR detection steps |
-t |
Temporary directory to put metagenome parts (use this if -n option also selected) |
-q |
Input metagenome is a FASTQ file (directs use of fastq-splitter.pl instead of fasta-splitter.pl) |
-h |
Use Hamming distance metric (substitutions only - no insertions or deletions) to find direct repeat locations in reads (default: use Levenshtein distance metric - look for sequences matching DR within insertion, deletion, and/or substitution edit distance) |
-r |
Search for reverse complement of CRISPR direct repeat sequences |
-l |
Maximum spacer length in bp |
-c |
CD-HIT similarity threshold for clustering spacers detected for each query direct repeat (value from 0 to 1) |
-a |
CD-HIT similarity threshold for clustering all detected spacers (value from 0 to 1) |
-n |
Number of processors to use for parallel processing (and number of temporary metagenome parts) |