Fig. 10. Endosomes representing PAM/Ab complex uptake for 10 and 20 min display dynamic interactions with lysosomes (stills from Movies 5 and 6).
Lysosomes (4 h uptake of dextran-Alexa 488 or –Alexa 555) interacted with PAM/Ab complex containing endosomes after incubation periods of 20 min (A) and 10 min (B). In A, arrows indicate a contact which remained stable during the entire 4.7 second sequence; arrowheads indicate a rare example of contact and transfer of PAM/Ab complex to a lysosome. Scale bars = 2.5 μm. C. Histograms showing the number of contacts/min and the duration of contacts between an endosome representing 20 min of PAM/Ab complex uptake and a lysosome (for clarity, three longer durations, 17, 19 and 21 secs, were not included) (55 endosomes, 323 contacts from 3 separate experiments).