Figure 4. Sco2 mutation alters Complex IV activity and oxygen consumption in adipose tissue.
A) COX activity measured in eWAT (left panel) and sWAT (right panel) homogenates. B) OCR of eWAT (left panel) and sWAT (right panel) (~10 mg pieces) was determined using Seahorse XF24 Flux Analyzer under basal, pyruvate, and FCCP-stimulated respiration conditions. The relative OCR of Sco2 KI/KO are compared to the littermate WT control (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.001). For all analyses, the bars depict the mean ± SEM of the OCR of 2–3 tissue pieces/tissue/mice (WT, n=4; Sco2 KI/KO, n=4). Dark bars denote wild-type mice and open bars represent Sco2 KI/KO mice.