Figure 5.
UBR5 Ubiquitylates the WD40 Domain of TLE3
(A) UbiCREST assays of Ub-TLE3; shown are western blots of UBR5 KO lysates after co-expression of proteins, LiCl induction and IP as indicated, followed by in vitro treatment of IPs with linkage-specific DUBs (specificity in brackets), or USP2 (unspecific control).
(B and C) UBR5 KO cells, assayed for (B) Ub-TLE3 (as in Figure 3A) or (C) coIP of HA-TLE3 and truncations (see cartoon, for residue numbers, domains, and cognate ligands) with GFP-UBR5-CS (as in Figure 4B). See also Figures S4 and S5.