Figure 1.
Approaches for estimation of global RSV associated morbidity and mortality in children aged 0–4 years
In this study, we report four different sets of estimates—number of episodes of (severe) RSV-ALRI at global and national levels, global RSV-ALRI hospital admissions, and global estimates of RSV-ALRI deaths in hospital and overall (in community). This figure summarises our approach for each of these categories and also shows how they relate to (and feed into each other). Global estimates of hospital admissions for RSV-ALRI have been estimated using two independent approaches and datasets (after ensuring all included studies satisfy the common case definition that hospital admission was based on a physician diagnosis of ALRI). Similarly, the in-hospital deaths due to RSV-ALRI are based on studies reporting in-hospital CFR for RSV and RSV-ALRI hospital admissions (again ensuring that all included studies satisfy the common case definition). RSV=respiratory syncytial virus. ALRI=acute lower respiratory infection. hCFR=in-hospital case fatality ratio. VA=verbal autopsy. DHS=demographic and health survey. *For details description of imputation see appendix p 7. †For detailed description of risk-factor based model see appendix pp 54–57.