Figure 2.
(A) Differentially expressed isoforms in the aging category. We identified a common aging expression signature between N2 and fog-2(lf) animals, consisting of 6193 differentially expressed isoforms totaling 5592 genes. The volcano plot is randomly down-sampled 30% for ease of viewing. Each point represents an individual isoform. is the regression coefficient. Larger magnitudes of β indicate a larger log-fold change. The y-axis shows the negative logarithm of the q-values for each point. Green points are differentially expressed isoforms; orange points are differentially expressed isoforms of predicted transcription factor genes (Reece-Hoyes et al. 2005). An interactive version of this graph can be found on our website. (B) Enriched tissues in aging-associated genes. Tissue enrichment analysis (Angeles-Albores et al. 2016) showed that genes associated with muscle tissues and the nervous system are enriched in aging-related genes. Only statistically significantly enriched tissues are shown. Enrichment fold change is defined as hmc, head mesodermal cell.