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. 2017 Apr 12;15(3):127–141. doi: 10.1097/XEB.0000000000000106

Table 1.

Demographics of study participants

Variable Demographic N (%)
Gender Male 227 (60.4)
Female 149 (39.6)
Age 20–25 118 (31.4)
26–30 119 (31.6)
31–35 73 (19.4)
36–40 34 (9.0)
41 or more 32 (8.5)
Nationality Saudi 319 (84.8)
Non-Saudi 57 (15.2)
Educationa Diploma 18 (4.8)
BSc 249 (66.2)
DPT 3 (0.8)
MSc 75 (19.9)
PhD 31 (8.2)
Universityb King Saud University (Saudi Arabia) 63 (16.8)
Jazan University (Saudi Arabia) 39 (10.4)
Umm Al-Qura University (Saudi Arabia) 30 (8)
King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia) 23 (6.1)
Cairo University (Egypt) 16 (4.3)
University of Pittsburgh (United States of America) 9 (2.4)
Cardiff University (United Kingdom) 8 (2.1)
Loma Linda University (United States of America) 8 (2.1)
Work setting Ministry of Health (all public ‘government’ hospitals and public rehabilitation centres) 153 (40.7)
Private health sectors (all private hospitals, centres and clinics) 62 (16.5)
Other health sectors (such as National Guard Health Affairs, Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare, Armed Forces Hospitals, Security Forces Hospitals and Royal Commission Hospitals) 100 (26.6)
University ‘academic’ 61 (16.2)
Job titlec Technician 26 (6.9)
Specialist 240 (63.8)
Senior Specialist 44 (11.7)
Consultant 8 (2.1)
Teaching Assistant 21 (5.6)
Lecturer 19 (5.1)
Assistant Professor 11 (2.9)
Associate Professor 7 (2.7)
Professor 0 (0)

aThe highest qualification received by participants.

bOnly eight universities of 65 different universities were reported; top four Saudi universities and top four non-Saudi universities.

cJob title descriptions:

(1) Technician: Two years diploma after the secondary school certificate.

(2) Specialist: Bachelor's degree with one year of internship or MSc degree before acquiring the required experiences for classification into senior specialist rank.

(3) Senior Specialist: MSc degree after completing the required experience so that the training period and later experience shall equate to a total of four years or PhD degree before completing the required experience for classification into consultant rank.

(4) Consultant: PhD degree with at least three years of experience.

(5) Teaching Assistant: Bachelor's degree holders.

(6) Lecturer: MSc degree holders.

(7) Assistant Professor: PhD holders.

(8) Associate Professor: PhD holders with at least four years of experiences as an assistant professor and completing the required number of research articles.

(9) Professor: PhD holders with at least four years of experiences as an associate professor and completing the required number of research articles.