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. 2017 Sep 8;5(9):2325967117726515. doi: 10.1177/2325967117726515


Fibula Fractures in the NFL by Player Position at the Time of Injurya

Position Injury Type
Isolated Combined Total
Offense, n (%) 83 (50) 16 (43) 99 (49)
 Offensive lineman 39 6 45
 Running back 24 4 28
 Tight end 9 3 12
 Quarterback 2 0 2
 Wide receiver 9 3 12
Defense, n (%) 47 (28) 13 (35) 60 (29)
 Defensive secondary 19 6 25
 Defensive lineman 18 4 22
 Linebacker 10 3 13
Special teams, n (%) 36 (22) 6 (16) 42 (21)
Unknown, n (%) 1 (1) 2 (5) 3 (2)
Total 167 37 204

aValues are presented as No. unless otherwise indicated. NFL, National Football League.