Figure 6. MiR-324-5p protects intestinal mucosal integrity through DCIER/ miR-324-5p/HMGXB3/WASF-2 axis.
A.-B. Rhodamine phalloidin staining of Cacao2 cells was performed after 48h transfection with siDICER#2 and together with mimic-324-5p or not. (B) HCT116-WT and HCT116-DICER−/−cells were stained by rhodamine phalloidin after transfected with NC/mimic-324-5p. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (Blue). Representative images are shown (magnification, × 400). C.-D. RT-PCR experiments were performed to measure Hmgxb3 (C) and Wasf-2 (D) mRNA levels. E.-F. Immunohistochemistry experiments were performed to test Hmgxb3 (E) and Wasf-2 (F) protein levels. G. A schematic model displaying the protective role of DICER/miR-324-5p in maintaining the intestinal epithelial integrity by targeting HMGXB3 and WASF-2.