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. 2017 Jul 5;8(34):57278–57301. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.18985

Table 3. Predictions of the logistic model based on epithelial cells only.

A Presence of cancer cell
ID No Yes Total
HPrEpiC 1,800 266 2,066
% 87.12 12.88 100.00
LNCaP 148 17,289 17,437
% 0.85 99.15 100.00
B Presence of cancer cell in patients 5 and Z
ID No Yes Total
Patient 5 3 11,582 11,585
% 0.03 99.97 100
Patient Z 2,168 7,206 9,374
% 23.13 76.87 100
C Presence of cancer cell in patient 6
Phase No Yes Total
B1 359 2,360 2,719
% 13.2 86.8 100
P 1,488 18,634 20,122
% 7.39 92.61 100
D Presence of cancer cell in patients 7 and 8
ID No Yes Total
Patient 7 71 5,622 5,693
% 1.25 98.75 100
Patient 8 519 7,996 8,515
% 6.1 93.9 100

(A) cancer and benign cell types; (B) pathologically defined benign tissue isolated during prostatectomy of patients 5 and Z; (C) patient 6: prediction of cancer at time point of tissue isolation. (D) tissue isolated during initial biopsy from patients 7 and 8.