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. 2017 Jun 14;8(34):57845–57854. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.18471

Table 2. The cases received targeted therapy and their outcome.

Diagnosis Mutation Therapy Outcome Detail
High grade Salivary duct carcinoma BRAFp.V600E BRAF + MEK inhibitor Near CR Near complete response over 12 months
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma BRAF p.V600E BRAF inhibitor MR/stable Stable/no improvement for 10 months
Malignant neoplasm in atrium BRAFp.V600E BRAF inhibitor MR/stable Mixed response, then progressed
Glioblastoma (GBM), recurrent BRAFp.V600E Avastin + BRAF inhibitor + MEK inhibitor Progress Questionable response, then progressed and deceased
Metastatic carcinoma of ovary BRCA1c.5277+1 G > A PARP inhibitor Progress Progressed
Clear cell and papillary serous adenocarcinoma BRCA1p.N1236S PARP inhibitor MR/stable Stable for 3 months, then progressed
Papillary serous carcinoma, recurrent BRCA2p.Y1655* PARP inhibitor MR/stable Stable
Metastatic breast carcinoma, HER2 positive PIK3CAp.H1047R mTOR inhibitor with tamoxifen, trastuzumab, and radiation to the breast MR/stable Stable extra-mammary disease for sixteen months, breast disease progressing
Metastatic mucinous adenocarcinoma in lung, consistent with breast primary PIK3CAp.E545K PI3K inhibitor + cdk4/6 inhibitor + hormonal therapy PR Partial response
Metastatic adenocarcinoma in lung, consistent with breast primary PIK3CAp.H1047R PI3K inhibitor + CDK4/6 inhibitor + hormonal therapy PR Partial response
Metastatic breast carcinoma in T9 bone ESR1p.D538G hormonal therapy, then CDK4/6 inhibitor Progress Stable for 1.5 months, then progressed
Endometrioid adenocarcinoma of uterus KRASp.G12V MEK inhibitor Progress Progressed, then hospice
Adenoid cystic carcinoma, metastasis CDKN2Ac.151-2A > T CDK4/6 inhibitor Stopped Not eligible for trial due to an open wound
Metastatic poorly differentiated carcinoma in brain and bone CDKN2Ap.R80* CDK4/6 inhibitor or Phase I trial for MDM2 Sopped Now hospice
Metastatic carcinoma, history of breast and endometrial carcinoma PIK3CAp.Q546E mTOR inhibitor Progress Progressed on mTOR inhibitor

(CR: complete response, MR: mixed response, PR; partial response).