Figure 1.
Mice with cancer show clinical signs of renal insufficiency. (A) Plasma creatinine levels were measured as an indicator of renal function (healthy, n = 17; MMTV-PyMT, n = 12; RIP1-Tag2 mice, n = 8; MMTV-PyMT + GSK484, n = 20; RIP1-Tag2 + GSK484, n = 3). Healthy plasma creatinine level is defined as the span between the highest and lowest creatinine value in all non-tumor-bearing mice. All mice with plasma creatinine above the highest value in the healthy group are defined as mice with increased plasma creatinine levels. (B) Urine creatinine concentration was measured in RIP1-Tag2 mice and healthy littermates (healthy, n = 11; RIP1-Tag2, n = 25). (C) Total protein levels in urine from MMTV-PyMT mice and healthy littermates were analyzed using the BCA assay (healthy, n = 21; MMTV-PyMT, n = 35; MMTV-PyMT + DNase I, n = 10; MMTV-PyMT + GSK484, n = 15). (D) Western blot for NGAL in urine from MMTV-PyMT mice and healthy littermates. (E) Analysis of NGAL mRNA in the kidney by qPCR. Each data point corresponds to one individual mouse. (F) Immunostaining of kidney sections from MMTV-PyMT mice (left panel) and healthy littermates (right panel). (G) Electron microscopy analysis was used to analyze podocyte foot processes (FP) in kidney glomeruli from healthy C57BL/6, n = 10 (2 mice); RIP1-Tag2, n = 14 (2 mice); healthy FVB/n, n = 10 (2 mice); MMTV-PyMT, n = 10 (2 mice); MTV-PyMT + DNase I, n = 15 (3 mice); MMTV-PyMT + GSK484, n = 15 (3 mice). (H) Quantification of the number of podocyte foot processes/μM in glomeruli from MMTV-PyMT mice (untreated or treated with DNase I or GSK484) and healthy littermates. (I) Mesangial hypercellularity (indicated by square) in kidneys from MMTV-PyMT mice. (J) Quantification of the number of glomeruli with signs of mesangial hypercellularity. * = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01 and *** = p < 0.005. Scale bar corresponds to 100 μm in F.