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. 2017 Sep 11;7:11239. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-10942-6

Table 4.

Heartbeat classification methods. ISCH – ischemic heartbeats; PTCA - percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; Se, Se, Acc – sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, respectively.

Type of heartbeats Features Classifier Classification performance Authors
NOR, particular minutes of ISCH Morphological (QRS loop, ST-change vector magnitude, spatial ventricular gradient features) Linear DFA Se = 95.4% Correa et al.3
Sp = 95.2 (for the 4th min of the PTCA)
NOR, mild ISCH High-frequency QRS Logistic regression Se = 46%, Sp = 87% Sharir et al.37
NOR, moderate/severe ISCH Se = 69%, Sp = 86%
NOR, mild ISCH Morphological (Q and R amplitudes, QRS slopes and energy, repolarization duration, normalized ST, etc.) Logistic regression Se = 77%, Sp = 88% Llamedo et al. 2013 cinc38
NOR, moderate/severe ISCH Se = 76%, Sp = 90%
NOR, ISCH Morphological (QRS slopes) Linear DFA Se = 24%, Sp = 93% Firoozabadi et al.4
NOR, ISCH Morphological (samples of heartbeats) k-NN, SVM Acc(k-NN) = 94.6% Murthy et al.5
Acc(linear SVM)=91.5%
Acc(RBF SVM)=95.3%
NOR, ISCH Morphological SVM Se = 94.8%, Sp = 99.5% Tseng et al.6
NOR, VPB and 2 others Morphological, RR intervals, higher-order statistics Linear DFA, DFA: Acc(NOR)=88.6% Doquire et al.10
SVM Acc(VPB)=80.6%
SVM: Acc(NOR)=75.9%
NOR, VPB and 1 other AR model coefficients and non-linear features Linear DFA Acc up to 88% Balli et al.9
NOR, VPB Morphological SVM Acc = 88.9% Alajlan et al.7
NOR,VPB + 3 others (except ISCH) Higher order statistics of wavelet coefficients k-NN Se(NOR) = 97.5% Kutlu et al.12
Sp(NOR) = 95.3%
Se(VPB) = 87.6%
Sp(VPB) = 96.8%
NOR, VPB + 5 others (except ISCH) Spectral k-NN Acc = 97.0% Arif et al.8
NOR,VPB + 3 others (except ISCH) Higher order statistics k-NN Se(NOR) = 100% Karimifard et al.11
Sp(NOR) = 99.9%
Se(VPB) = 94.1%
Sp(VPB) = 99.8%
NOR, VPB Kalman filter, polarogram NB Acc = 98.8% Sayadi et al.13
NOR, VPB+10 others (except ISCH) Morphological, spectral and statistic SVM Acc = 98.9% Shen et al.14
NOR, ISM, ISE, VPB Morphological (AreaD) k-NN Acc = 98.6% Proposed method
NOR, ISM, ISE, VPB Morphological (MorphD) SVM Acc = 93.5% Proposed method