Figure 2.
Images of peripheral pulmonary nodule obtained from CT, EBUS, X-ray, nCLE and histopathologic examination in case 2. (A) The chest CT showed an irregular solid nodule in the anterior segment of right upper lobe, with no bronchial sign; (B) radial probe endobronchial ultrasound confirmed the lesion location outside the bronchial lumen; (C) the puncture needle was inserted into the right upper lobe lesion under the guidance of C-arm X-ray (black arrow); (D) the confocal endomicroscopic images showed matrix destruction and partial disordered tissue structure (white arrow), with a homogeneous density, without an increased fluorescence of the fibers and spot structures; (E) the histopathological images showed fibrin exudation, inflammatory granulation tissues and epithelioid foci (black arrow) at the edge (hematoxylin-eosin stain, 200×). nCLE, novel needle-based confocal laser endomicroscopy.