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. 2017 Sep 7;8:1483. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01483

Table 1.

ESEM standardized factor loadings for the Italian Mood Scale (ITAMS).

Items Factors
Anger Confusion Depression Fatigue Tension Vigor
7. Annoyed (Infastidito) 0.56
11. Bitter (Risentito) 0.44
19. Angry (Arrabbiato) 0.78
22. Bad tempered (Irritabile) 0.48
3. Confused (Confuso) 0.63
9. Mixed up (Indeciso) 0.86
17. Muddled (Disorientato) 0.78
24. Uncertain (Incerto) 0.90
5. Depressed (Depresso) 0.75
6. Downhearted (Scoraggiato) 0.60
12. Unhappy (Infelice) 0.78
16. Miserable (Afflitto) 0.57
4. Worn out (Spossato) 0.67
8. Exhausted (Esausto) 0.78
10. Sleepy (Assonnato) 0.75
21. Tired (Stanco) 0.94
1. Panicky (Teso) 0.63
13. Anxious (Ansioso) 1.08
14. Worried (Preoccupato) 0.73
18. Nervous (Nervoso) 0.46 0.61
2. Lively (Vigoroso) 0.62
15. Energetic (Energico) 0.88
20. Active (Attivo) 0.88
23. Alert (Vigile) 0.44

Loadings below 0.32 are not reported.