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. 2017 Sep 8;6:344. doi: 10.4102/ajod.v6i0.344


Demographics of study sample.

Characteristics Frequency / Descriptive n = 191
Percentage (number) of total samples by country
 Peru 51.3% (98.00)
 Uganda 35.1% (67.00)
 Vietnam 13.6% (26.00)
Home setting
 Large metropolitan area 44.5% (85.00)
 Rural 17.3% (33.00)
 Village or small town 38.2% (73.00)
 Men 41.4% (79.00)
 Women 58.6% (112.00)
 Mean ± (SD) 38.81 ± (27.31)
 Range 3.0–98.0
Percentage (number) diagnosis
 Stroke 6.3% (12.00)
 Cerebral palsy 16.8% (32.00)
 Spinal cord injury 2.6% (6.00)
 Polio 13.1% (25.00)
 Trauma/fracture 11.1% (21.00)
 Amputee 5.2% (10.00)
 Arthritis 5.8% (11.00)
 Other childhood (e.g. club foot, hydrocephalus) 8.9% (17.00)
 Other general (e.g. Parkinson’s, muscular dystrophy) 30.2% (58.00)
Model of wheelchair received by country and overall
 Three countries combined n = 188 GEN_1 51.6% (97.00)
GEN_2 48.4% (91.00)
 Peru n = 98 GEN_1 74.5% (73.00)
GEN_2 25.5% (25.00)
 Uganda n = 64 GEN_1 29.7% (19.00)
GEN_2 70.3% (45.00)
 Vietnam n = 26 GEN_1 19.2% (5.00)
GEN_2 8.8% (21.00)

Source: Author’s own work