Fig. 1.
Simulated future wetland CH4 emissions, net RF, and net increase in global mean temperature using the simple carbon cycle climate model MAGICC6. Colored lines represent ensemble average estimates from using CMIP5 model outputs, and shaded areas represent the upper and lower range of estimates (Left). Mean and one-SD at the end of the 21st century (mean over AD 2099) for each metric are given by the bars (Right). (A) Simulated wetland CH4 emissions driven by CMIP5 datasets for four RCPs. (B) Net RF from anthropogenic emissions with consideration of wetland CH4 emissions feedback (solid lines) calculated by MAGICC6 and original projected RCPs without wetland CH4 feedback (dashed lines) in IPCC AR5 and CMIP5, as well as observed RF (black solid line) based on atmospheric measurement from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Annual Greenhouse Gas Index (AGGI). (C) Change in global mean temperature caused by wetland CH4 feedback from MAGICC6 model.