Fig. 3.
Behavioral and molecular rhythms in dpBmal1ΔCter mutants are driven by dpCRY2 repression. (A) Profiles of adult eclosion in DD of dpBmal1ΔCter mutants (m2, containing both homozygous males and hemizygous females) in a wild-type background for dpCry2 (red bars), in a heterozygous background for dpCry2 (blue bars), and in a dpCry2-null background (brown bars). Data collected in DD1 and DD2 are pooled and binned in 1-h intervals. The horizontal bars below the graphs indicate subjective day (gray) and night (black). dpBmal1 m2; dpCry2+/+ vs. dpBmal1 m2; dpCry2−/−, P < 0.01; dpBmal1 m2; dpCry2+/+ vs. dpBmal1 m2; dpCry2+/−, P < 0.05 (one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test). (B) Circadian expression of period and timeless in brains of dpBmal1ΔCter mutants in a wild-type background for dpCry2 (red lines), in a heterozygous background for dpCry2 (blue lines), and in a dpCry2-null background (brown lines). Values shown are the mean ± SEM of three animals. The horizontal bars below the graphs indicate subjective day (gray) and night (black). Interaction genotype × time, dpBmal1 m2; dpCry2+/+ vs. dpBmal1 m2; dpCry2−/−: tim and per, P < 0.00001; dpBmal1 m2; dpCry2+/+ vs. dpBmal1 m2; dpCry2+/−: per, P < 0.001; tim, P < 0.005 (two-way ANOVA).