Fig. S7.
Normalized force-displacement curves measured in the cytoplasm of NRK cells show that the cytoplasm exhibits poro-viscoelasticity when loading speed V = 3.5 μm/s and loading size a = 1.5 μm. Each curve shown here is averaged over at least 20 individual experiments. (A and B) Under intermediate loading speeds, the normalized force-displacement curves obtained with 0.5-µm beads and 1-µm beads in the cytoplasm are close to each other when the same Va (5 µm2/s) or the same V/a (2.2 s−1) is maintained; however, the curves obtained with 0.5-µm beads and 1-µm beads are clearly separated with the curves obtained with 1.5-µm beads at a speed of 3.3 μm/s, when the same Va (5 µm2/s) or V/a (2.2 s−1) is maintained. This proves that the cytoplasm can exhibit both poroelasticity and viscoelasticity under large loading size and intermediate loading speed.