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. 2017 Jul 11;90(1075):20160710. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20160710

Figure 20.

Figure 20.

(a, b) Breast chloroma: a 23-year-old female, a known case of leukaemia; contrast-enhanced CT showed multiple circumscribed enhancing masses (arrows) in the bilateral breasts. (c) Follow-up scan performed 2 months post-chemotherapy showed complete disappearance of these masses. (d, e) Leukaemic lymphadenopathy: multiple large intensely enhancing left cervical lymphadenopathy (arrows). Additionally, infiltrating enhancing lesion at the base of the tongue involving soft palate was present (curved arrow in c). Another case (f) with bilateral enhancing axillary lymphadenopathy. (g) Ultrasonography of a different patient showing irregular hypoechoic deposit indistinguishable from carcinoma.