Table 2.
A summary of methodologies for ranked performance and Canada's ranking
Author (year) | Title | No. | HSP methodology | HSP measurement indicators | Canada's overall/ranked performance |
WHO (2000) | The World Health Report 2000 – Health Systems: Improving Performance | 191 | A composite of indicators as a measure of HSP: focused on objectives of the HS | Health status: DALE Responsiveness: Survey Fairness: Survey |
Anderson and Hussey (2001) | Comparing Health System Performance in OECD Countries | 26 | Individual indicators as a measure of HSP on key subject areas | Individual indicators:
Compared to OECD median, Canada has:
Nolte et al. (2006) | Diabetes as a Tracer Condition in International Benchmarking of Health Systems | 29 | Disease as a tracer condition to assess HSP | Diabetes incidence and mortality | Diabetes mortality to incidence ratio: 6/29 |
The Conference Board of Canada (2006) | Healthy Provinces, Healthy Canadians: A Provincial Benchmarking Report | 24 | A composite of indicators as a measure of HSP: benchmarking all indicators together | Health status: 11 indicators Healthcare outcomes: 7 indicators Healthcare utilization: 1 indicator |
Overall ranking:11/24 |
Gay et al. (2011) | Mortality Amenable to Healthcare in 31 OECD Countries: Estimates and Methodological Issues | 31 | Mortality amenable to healthcare intervention | Amenable mortality |
Tchouaket et al. (2012) | HSP of 27 OECD Countries | 27 | A composite of indicators as a measure of HSP: Donabedian's structure-process-outcome and effectiveness, efficiency and productivity | Health status: 27 indicators Resources: 21 indicators Health services: 20 indicators |
Verguet and Jamison (2013) | Performance in Rate of Decline of Adult Mortality in the OECD, 1970–2010 | 22 | Individual indicator as a measure of HSP: adult mortality | Female adult mortality |
Veillard et al. (2013), CIHI (2011, 2013) | Methods to Stimulate National and Sub-National Benchmarking through International Health System Performance Comparisons: A Canadian Approach | 34 | Individual indicators as measures of HSP: directional measures for four dimensions of HSP: (1) Health status, (2) Non-medical determinant, (3) Access and (4) Quality of care | Health status: 15 indicators Non-medical determinant: 6 indicators Access: 3 indicators Quality of care: 15 indicators |
Compared to OECD average, Canada performs well on some indicators and needs improvement on others |
Murray et al. (2013) | UK Health Performance: Findings of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 | 19 | Individual indicator as a measure of HSP: benchmarking individual indicators | Mortalities and causes of death, YLL, YLD, DALY, HALE (259 diseases and injuries and 67 risk factors) |
Gerring et al. (2013) | Assessing Health System Performance: A Model-Based Approach | 190 | Composite index: economy–education, epidemiology, geography, culture and residual is modelled as public health index in which residual is considered as HSP | Health outcome: 9 indicators Culture and history: 2 indicators Education: 2 indicators Epidemiology: 3 indicators Geography: 11 indicators Economy: 3 indicators Miscellaneous: 8 indicators |
Canada's overall ranking: 97/190 |
Davis et al. (2014) | Mirror, Mirror on the Wall | 11 | Composite: ranking based in individual indicators and averaging the ranks | Quality: 44 indicators Access: 12 indicators Efficiency: 11 indicators Equity: 10 indicators Healthy lives: 3 indicators |
Canada's overall ranking: 10/11 |
The Conference Board of Canada (2015) | International Ranking: Canada Benchmarked Against 15 Countries | 17 | Composite: normalizing and averaging indicators | 11 indicators: LEB; self-reported health status; premature mortality (PYLL); infant mortality; mortality from cancer, circulatory disease, respiratory disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal system, mental disorders and medical misadventures | Canada's overall grade: “B” Canada's overall ranking: 10/17 |
CIHI = Canadian Institute for Health Information; DALE = disability-adjusted LE; DALY = disability-adjusted life year; FAM = female adult mortality; GDP = gross domestic product; HALE = health-adjusted LE; HS = health system; HSP = HS performance; LE = life expectancy; LEB = LE at birth; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; No. = number of countries compared; OECD = Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; PYLL = potential YLL; WHO = World Health Organization; WHR = World Health Report; YLD = years lived with disability; YLL = years of life lost.