Figure 3.
R3(B1‐22)R injected bilaterally into the CeA attenuates yohimbine‐induced reinstatement for alcohol seeking in iP rats. Active lever and inactive lever responding following within subject counterbalanced (A) bilateral intra‐CeA (n = 19) or (B) anatomical control (n = 7) injections of either VEH or R3(B1‐22)R. (C) Latency to active lever responding for VEH‐ and R3(B1‐22)R‐treated rats and (D) time course of lever responding throughout reinstatement session. (E) Neuroanatomical representation of injection sites for R3(B1‐22)R‐treated rats. Green circles represent CeA injections, and red circles represent anatomical controls. Data were analysed by RM two‐way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey's multiple comparison test and expressed as mean ± SEM. Extinguished rats (EXT), VEH‐ and R3(B1‐22)R‐treated rats. Yohimbine induced reinstatement of alcohol seeking in VEH‐treated rats (EXT vs. VEH #P < 0.05), which was attenuated by R3(B1‐22)R microinjection within the CeA (VEH vs. R3(B1‐22)R *P < 0.05). Furthermore, time course data revealed a reduction in responding by R3(B1‐22)R treated rats during the first 5 min (VEH vs. R3(B1‐22)R, *P < 0.05), but did not significantly increase latency to active lever responding.