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. 2017 Jun 26;6(3):383–411. doi: 10.1007/s40121-017-0160-3

Table 3.

RSV hospitalization, healthcare resource utilization and case fatality rate in infants and children with cystic fibrosis

Study Country Design/study population Incidence RSV (per 1000) Incidence RSVH (per 1000) LOS, median days (range) Admitted to ICU/PICU (%) Supplemental oxygen (%) Intubation and/or mechanical ventilation (%) Case fatality rate (%)
Deschamp 2015 [61] US Interim analysis of multicenter, prospective study estimated to enroll 90 infants (<4 months at recruitment) with CF. Analysis included 13 infants with CF who had 59 nasopharyngeal samples collected and tested using viral PCR analysis over 11 months. No information on RSV immunoprophylaxis 77a NR NR NR NR NR NR
Murray 2014 [7] UK Retrospective, multicenter study (2007–2008) of 7189 children aged <12 months admitted to hospital with bronchiolitis [11 (0.2%) with CF]. No information on RSV immunoprophylaxis NA 64 2 (0–14) NR NR NR NR
Kristensen 2012 [10] Denmark Register-based cohort study of 452 205 children aged <2 years of whom 12 498 (2.8%) were hospitalized for RSV from 1997 to 2003. Included 72 children with CF of whom 13 were hospitalized for RSV infection. During the study period, 118 of the total population received RSV immunoprophylaxis NR 181 1.3 (0.8–2.1)b NRc NRc NRc NRc
Garcia 2007 [62] US Single center, prospective study of 44 children with CF (7–18 years) during the 1998–1999 RSV season. No information on RSV immunoprophylaxis 364d NRe NR NR NR NR NR
Arnold 1999 [60] Canada Secondary analysis of a prospective cohort (1993–1995) including 159 children with underlying lung disease, 8 of whom had CF (mean age 33 weeks). No information on RSV immunoprophylaxis NR NA (study population) 11 (4–13) 12.5 NR 0 0
Outcome Number of studies Number of countries Population age and timeframe of studies Value
Incidence of RSV infection 2 1 ≤18 years; 1998–2015 77–364 per 1000 children
 Incidence of RSVH 2 2 <2 years; 1997–2008 64–181 per 1000 children
 LOS, median 2 2 <1 year; 1993–2008 2–11 days
 Admission to ICU/PICU 1 1 <2 years; 1993–1995 12.5%
 Supplemental oxygen
 Intubation and/or mechanical ventilation
 Case fatality rate 1 1 <1 years; 1993–1995 0%

CF cystic fibrosis, ICU intensive care unit, IQR interquartile range, LOS length of stay, NA not applicable, NR not recorded, PCR polymerase chain reaction, PICU pediatric intensive care unit, RSV respiratory syncytial virus, RSVH respiratory syncytial virus hospitalization

a1 of 10 subjects tested positive for a respiratory viral infection (including RSV, human rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus, parainfluenza 3, parainfluenza 4, and influenza B) was symptomatic at the time of testing (no information on virus identified in the symptomatic infant)

bGeometric mean ratio (95% confidence interval) for presence of cystic fibrosis vs. non-presence of condition; P = 0.279

cNo specific data for children with cystic fibrosis

d8 of 16 children with RSV infection had co-infection with human metapneumovirus

eNo specific data for children with RSV infection