Figure 4.
Bd21 lncRNAs associated with transposable elements (TE) and tandem repeats (TR). (a) TE and lncRNAs: Y axis is lncRNA length in nucleotides, X axis is TE families. DNA Class II: Helitron (DHH) [7]; Hat (DTA) [5]; CACTA (DTC) [60]; PIF/Harbinger (DTH) [11]; Mutator (DTM) [5]; Tc1/Mariner (DTT) [3]. TE Class I: LINE (RIX) [36], Ty1/copia (RLC) [105], Ty3/gypsy (RLG) [198], Unclassified LTR (RLX) [36]. Round brackets indicate TE code based on the classification system proposed by Wicker et al.42. Square brackets show number of lncRNA loci associated with TEs. (b) TR and lncRNAs: Y axis shows number of lncRNAs, X axis shows types of tandem repeats according to the classification by monomer length into: micro (microsatellites: monomer length 2-9); mini (minisatellites: monomer length 10–99), sat (satellites: monomer length >=100); vntr (variable number tandem repeats: homopolymeric stretches and mixed types).