Figure 2.
Structural superposition between representative conformations of the most probable kinetic macrostates of intermediate regions I and II of the morphine-bound and TRV-130-bound MOR systems with inactive and activated MOR crystal structures. Cytoplasmic views of overlaps of the active (gray) and inactive (white) crystal structures of MOR with representative structures of: (a,c) the most probable kinetic macrostates #14 and #1 found in the intermediate region I and II, respectively, sampled by morphine-bound MOR, and (b,d) the most probable kinetic macrostates #13 and #10 located in the intermediate region I and II, respectively, sampled by TRV-130-bound MOR. Residues Y2525.58 and Y3367.53 are shown as sticks. Cα atoms of residues R1653.50 and T2796.34 are shown as spheres, and are connected by dotted line. TM1, TM4, helix 8 and intracellular loops are not shown for clarity.