Figure 2.
Exogenous expression of scFvs does not perturb memory acquisition. Flies were trained at day 5 post-eclosion using olfactory classical conditioning and tested immediately after training. Memory performance index is shown for control flies (UAS-LacZ/+; ok107-Gal4/+), flies expressing scFv9 alone (UAS-scFv9/+; ok107-Gal4/+), flies expressing scFv42.2 alone (UAS-scFv42.2/+; ok107-Gal4/+), and flies co-expressing scFv9 and scFv42.2 (UAS-scFv9/+; UAS-scFv42.2/+; ok107-Gal4/+). Five-day-old flies expressing scFv9, scFv42.2, or both perform at equivalent levels than control flies (p = 0.9999, p = 0.9989, and p = 0.9884, respectively). Error bars indicate SEM; n = 10 per group; n.s. (not significant).